गुरुवार, 19 जुलाई 2018

banned pesticides

LIST OF PESTICIDES / PESTICIDES FORMULATIONS BANNED IN INDIA A. Pesticides Banned for manufacture, import and use (27 Nos.) 1. Aldrin 2. Benzene Hexachloride 3. Calcium Cyanide 4. Chlordane 5. Copper Acetoarsenite 6. CIbromochloropropane 7. Endrin 8. Ethyl Mercury Chloride 9. Ethyl Parathion 10. Heptachlor 11. Menazone 12. Nitrofen 13. Paraquat Dimethyl Sulphate 14. Pentachloro Nitrobenzene 15. Pentachlorophenol 16. Phenyl Mercury Acetate 17. Sodium Methane Arsonate 18. Tetradifon 19. Toxafen 20. Aldicarb 21. Chlorobenzilate 22. Dieldrine 23. Maleic Hydrazide 24. Ethylene Dibromide 25. TCA (Trichloro acetic acid) 26. Metoxuron 27. Chlorofenvinphos B. Pesticide / Pesticide formulations banned for use but their manufacture is allowed for export (2 Nos.) 28. Nicotin Sulfate 29. Captafol 80% Powder

C. Pesticide formulations banned for import, manufacture and use (4 Nos) 1. Methomyl 24% L 2. Methomyl 12.5% L 3. Phosphamidon 85% SL 4. Carbofuron 50% SP D. Pesticide Withdrawn(7 Nos) 1. Dalapon 2. Ferbam 3. Formothion 4. Nickel Chloride 5. Paradichlorobenzene (PDCB) 6. Simazine 7. Warfarin LIST OF PESTICIDES REFUSED REGISTRATION S.No. Name of Pesticides 1. Calcium Arsonate 2. EPM 3. Azinphos Methyl 4. Lead Arsonate 5. Mevinphos (Phosdrin) 6. 2,4, 5-T 7. Carbophenothion 8. Vamidothion 9. Mephosfolan 10. Azinphos Ethyl 11. Binapacryl 12. Dicrotophos 13. Thiodemeton / Disulfoton 14. Fentin Acetate 15. Fentin Hydroxide 16. Chinomethionate (Morestan) 17. Ammonium Sulphamate 18. Leptophos (Phosvel)

PESTICIDES RESTRICTED FOR USE IN INDIA S.No. Name of Pesticides 1. Aluminium Phosphide 2. DDT 3. Lindane 4. Methyl Bromide 5. Methyl Parathion 6. Sodium Cyanide 7. Methoxy Ethyl Mercuric Chloride (MEMC) 8. Monocrotophos 9. Endosulfan 10. Fenitrothion 11. Diazinon 12. Fenthion 13. Dazomet Source : Web portal of ‘Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage, Faridabad’ as on 15.03.2011

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